Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 Student Led Discussion Popular Culture (1)

Week 1 Student Led Discussion Popular Culture (1)

Q • Indicate the name and source of the article you have selected. • Write a one or two paragraph summary of the article. • Tell the rest of the students why this article pertains to the topic of the week. • Evaluate and analyze its cultural significance.

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Name of the article: Barbie and her Playmates by Don Richard Cox Source: Journal of Popular Culture Summary of the article Cox discusses how Barbie, which initially started off as a doll to sell clothes and range of fashion dolls, eventually went on to influence range of doll furniture and accessories along with other dolls that were an essential company for her. The quintessential beautiful single teenage doll was supposed to become the ultimate fashion icon that would be winning the hearts of all the younger girls which reflected a lifestyle of various adventures and activities with of course no parental supervision and authority.